A church with a heart for the community



21St July 2024


Groups | Flower Group

21st July 2024

Provided by the Flower Fund. more...

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Sunday 4th August and Wednesday 7th August 2024. more...

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Groups | Flower Group |

Provided by the Flower Fund. more...


Groups | Flower Group |

Donated by Elaine Briggs in memory of her late Dad, George. more...


Groups | Flower Group |

Donated by Anne MacFadyen and Marion MacDonald, remembering Dale. more...

Groups | Flower Group |

Donated by Mrs M Taylor and Mrs M Grierson. more...

Groups | Flower Group |

Flower Fund provided the flowers this week. more...

Groups | Flower Group |

Donated by Mrs E Kay and Mrs J Usher. more...

Groups | Flower Group |

Donated by Mr J Laird in memory of his late wife Anne. more...


Groups | Flower Group |

Flowers were provided by the Flower Fund. more...


Groups | Flower Group |

Donated by Mr J Brown in memory of three family members; Margaret, Elaine and Gavin. more...

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Martin Forrest:

Groups | Circle of Prayer Group

Mary Paton:

Groups | Ifumbo

Isobel Dawson:

Groups | Sunday Club

Marianne MacGregor :

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Liz Ronald:

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Mary Deas:

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Robert Paton CA TREASURER:

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Mandy Stewart:

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Would anyone like a visit? more...

Mary Deas (Convener):

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10/01/1924 - 10/11/2023 more...

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Violet Kavanagh:

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