A church with a heart for the community

Christian Aid

Christian Aid.png
Mandy Stewart:

This year for a change we started our Christian Aid fundraising week with café church  and the popular “Big Breakfast”. It was a busy morning and so well supported for which I am always extremely thankful. For the first year the healthier options won over the rolls and sausage so maybe next year I will incorporate more variety. The hall  again was buzzing with a wonderful atmosphere and thanks to John Spears not only were our tummies nourished but also our faith.

On the 18th May we held our annual Christian Aid Plant Sale, an event which is  rowing (pardon the pun) in popularity and was helped again this year with beautiful sunny  weather. I truly couldn’t believe that by 10:30am nearly all the plants had been sold,  so next year expect bigger and better.

The Strawberry Tea has simply exceeded all expectations and is so hugely popular that at times the kitchen was swamped with Nancy valiantly trying to cool down the clotted  cream bowls before filling them up again. The hall looked like a garden party and again was filled with chatting and folk all enjoying themselves, but with a queue forming  outside it was a case of one cup of tea/coffee only.

The total raised this year was a wonderful £3,627.16. I can’t thank everyone enough who so kindly and who so generously donated to Christian Aid, and who also made  all the events such a success. To all the helpers, so many to name but you know who you all are, massive thanks for giving of your time and for supporting me and Shona. It’s a total team effort which couldn’t go ahead without your help.

Dates for next year are May 11th - 17th 2025.



Groups | Flower Group 13th October 2024
Donated by Irene Duff and family. more...
Groups | Flower Group Sunday 6th October 2024
Provided by the Flower Fund for the Harvest Service. more...
Groups | Flower Group 29th September 2024
Donated by Mrs Wendy Taylor. more...
Groups | Flower Group 22nd September 2024
Donated by Mrs S MacFarlane, more...
Eddie :
Mary Paton :