Sunday Service: Service is at 10:15am.
Sunday Club: The children are in church for the first part of the service and then go down to the church hall with their Sunday Club leaders on the second and fourth Sunday of each month..
Cafe Church: Several times a year our service takes place in our church hall in a very relaxed, comfortable get together, sharing Faith through singing, praying and discussion - plus plenty of tea, coffee and wonderful home baking. A great way to get to know people. Dates are confirmed a few weeks beforehand.
Baby Creche: Babies are most welcome at all our services and parents can come and go if their child is unsettled. We don't have a Creche facility at the moment, but the Sunday Club leaders are always happy to welcome any Mums and Dads or Grandparents down at our church halls.
Services on DVD
The Church arranges for the main service to be recorded each week for anyone who is unable to attend services in the Church on a regular basis. On request, a DVD can be delivered to your home to enable you to share in the worship.
Every week our Sunday service is uploaded to YouTube - accessible via this website.
Should you prefer not to be seen on YouTube, there is guidance in the church vestibule about where to sit. Children and vulnerable adults who may be seen on our YouTube services should have the relevant consent form completed prior to the church service starting. Forms are available in the church.
Minibus Service
A minibus service exists for those who have difficulty getting themselves to Church. Anyone requiring such transport should first contact the Church Secretary by telephone or e-mail.
The birth of a baby is a time for much joy and happiness. In the Church we express our thanks to God for our children and through the sacrament of baptism or a service of blessing, we acknowledge them to be gifts from God, and welcome them into the Church family.
If you live in our parish and want further information, please contact the church office on 0141 639 6555.
Within the Church we celebrate God's gift of marriage, and as a parish church we welcome those who would wish to be married within Mearns Kirk.
If you live in our parish and want further information, please contact the church office on 0141 639 6555.