A church with a heart for the community


Thoughts for Prayer

Mary Paton

Isaiah 43:2 When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

Please pray for;

  • Peace and harmony for those countries going through conflict and political instability especially between the Ukraine and Russia and between Israel and Gaza.
  • Inter-racial tensions within our society.
  • Global focus on tackling climate change.
  • Refugees and asylum seekers.
  • The homeless.
  • Widespread poverty due to considerable increase in living costs, particularly in energy and food.
  • The future of the NHS and for all healthcare workers.
  • The future of the Church of Scotland and unity amongst all members.
    God to continue to bless the work carried out by our Elders and for the volunteers who selflessly help whenever they can in order to support our  church family.
  • For the leaders in our Sunday Club and for the young people in their care.
    God’s blessing on every member of our church family.


“Father in heaven, I thank you for the gift of prayer. Even though there are some things that are a mystery to me, I know that this is a necessity - and I exercise  the privilege fully confident in both your ability and willingness to do far more than I could imagine or guess. Help me to ask then for big things, for the sake of  your glory and through your matchless power. Enable me to pray big. For Jesus’  sake. Amen”

(Taken from ‘Pray Big’ by Alistair Begg pg. 94)


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Sunday 4th August and Wednesday 7th August 2024. more...
Provided by the Flower Fund. more...
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Donated by Elaine Briggs in memory of her late Dad, George. more...
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Donated by Anne MacFadyen and Marion MacDonald, remembering Dale. more...