A church with a heart for the community



Would anyone like a visit?

Pastoral Group.png
Mary Deas (Convener)

The Pastoral care Group continues to make visits to the elderly, lonely, housebound and those in care homes.

If you would like a visit or know of anyone who would like to be visited, we shall be delighted to add them to our list.  Please give Pam a call at the Office on 0141 639 6555.

Also if you are ill, in hospital or facing particular difficulties please phone Pam and she will inform Eddie.








Provided by the Flower Fund. more...
Nancy :
Sunday 4th August and Wednesday 7th August 2024. more...
Provided by the Flower Fund. more...
Nancy :
Donated by Elaine Briggs in memory of her late Dad, George. more...
Nancy :
Donated by Anne MacFadyen and Marion MacDonald, remembering Dale. more...