A church with a heart for the community


Lodging House Mission & East Ren Foodbank

Violet Kavanagh

Approaching Easter The Lodging House Mission and East Ren Foodbank would  greatly appreciate donations of Easter Eggs which can be brought to church any  Sunday until Palm Sunday 24th March.

Monthly collections for both organisations will continue on the FIRST SUNDAY of  the month at the CHURCH service at 10.15am, with a further drop off session  on the FOLLOWING WEDNESDAY at the HALL between 10 and 11am.

Each month we list in the Sunday intimations, on the church website and  Facebook page what is most needed by the organisations.

Here is a little bit about each of the organisations.

East Renfrewshire Foodbank are presently serving 60-80 families each week  across East Ren and helping the many folks who struggle to make ends meet  each month or are experiencing a crisis need and waiting for other support.

The Lodging House Mission support up to 120 individuals every day and their  aim is to promote recovery amongst the city's most disadvantaged citizens. 

They operate an open door policy to ensure that no-one is ever turned away.  Ultimately, they want to help build a brighter future for people by providing:

Access to educational opportunities and recreational activities
A safe, warm and trusted environment to access hot meals
Access to trained staff and counsellors to promote recovery

🐰🌷 This Easter the LHM would like
to spread Easter joy to those in need! 🌷🐰

LHM has an annual Easter egg appeal to bring smiles to the faces of  the homeless, vulnerable, and socially isolated individuals in our community For  many of us, Easter is a time of worship, joy, celebration, and indulging in sweet  treats. But for those facing homelessness or isolation, it can be a lonely and challenging time.

Together, we can make this Easter a little brighter for those who need it most.  Every chocolate egg donated brings a ray of hope and a moment of joy to  someone in our community. Let's come together to show love, compassion, and  solidarity this Easter season.

Thank you for your continued support.
Outreach Group.


Provided by the Flower Fund. more...
Nancy :
Sunday 4th August and Wednesday 7th August 2024. more...
Provided by the Flower Fund. more...
Nancy :
Donated by Elaine Briggs in memory of her late Dad, George. more...
Nancy :
Donated by Anne MacFadyen and Marion MacDonald, remembering Dale. more...