A church with a heart for the community


Sunday Club Update

Sunday Club.png
Marianne MacGregor

December seems a very long time ago now – but it is worth mentioning that the  children and families enjoyed all the Advent activities and the Family Service on  24th December. It was just wonderful – the children in costumes narrated the  Christmas story punctuated with bouncy songs. It was truly uplifting and our  thanks go out to all the helpers that made this possible – especially Shona Clark,  Jim Milroy and Maria Farquhar.

In January and February, we had good attendance – and we talked about what  the bible says about hope, peace, joy and love – making collages for our wall in  the big hall.

This was accompanied with activities like an obstacle course or dozens of balloons with bible messages inside to be pieced together, and of course making  pancakes on the Sunday before Shrove Tuesday which is always very  popular.

In March we are preparing for Easter and are planning to sing a song on Palm  Sunday 24th March – with home made palm branches of course.

Easter Sunday 31st March: An Easter Egg hunt on our big glebe with egg rolling  is now a firm tradition – so we are hoping for good weather.

After Easter we are back to every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month – with the 9th  of June being our last meeting.

Our plans are to talk about God’s Beautiful Creation – growing butterflies and  planting seeds.

During the Christian Aid Week in May we will organise a “Wee breakfast”.

For our older children age 9+ we are looking to organise Christian themed “Escape Room” activities – using lots of clues to unwrap a bible story.

Sunday Club dates are:
14th April - God’s Beautiful Creation
28th April - God’s Beautiful Creation
12th May - Christian Aid Wee Breakfast
26th May - God’s Beautiful Creation
9th June - Last Sunday Club

Sunday Club should start again after the summer on the 2nd Sunday in September.
Again a big THANK YOU to our helpers – Laura, Zara, Lucy, Claire and also Kathryn – without you we could not run the Sunday Club!

If you and your children are interested in joining us – just come along – or contact  the church office for my contact details.


Provided by the Flower Fund. more...
Nancy :
Sunday 4th August and Wednesday 7th August 2024. more...
Provided by the Flower Fund. more...
Nancy :
Donated by Elaine Briggs in memory of her late Dad, George. more...
Nancy :
Donated by Anne MacFadyen and Marion MacDonald, remembering Dale. more...