You will possibly recall from the previous Newsletter that we were seeking to employ a Caretaker for our Halls and Church. Interviews were held towards the end of last year and we are delighted to welcome our new Caretaker/Hallkeeper, David Park, to the post.
David started work with us on 8th January and has settled in amazingly well. So if you are down at the halls during the day please say hello to him.
The Easter Services are detailed in this issue of the Newsletter but we would like to ask if possible, for your presence at the joint Maundy Thursday service at Maxwell Mearns Church and the joint Good Friday service at Newton Mearns Parish Church.
Both services take place at 7pm. On Easter Sunday, Eddie will be holding an informal Communion after the morning service for those who wish to remain.
Wednesday Services 10.30am (Wee Hall)
These fortnightly services continue to be well attended and we are grateful to Alison Fenton and Alan McKay who alternate worship between them.
Future dates until the end of June are: April 3rd: May 1st, 15th, & 29th: June 12th & 26th.
Please note there will be no Service on 17th April and no services during July and August.
Streaming & Sound at Services
Are you a techy person? We are desperately seeking new people to come forward to help with the streaming of the Sunday services.
We will soon be down to only a couple of helpers so that means they are needed every second week which is a big ask.
Training would be given so if this is something you would be interested in doing please speak to the sound people on a Sunday, contact the office or speak to any of the Session Clerks.
Café Church
Our first Café Church of 2024 will be held on 12th May in the Sullivan Hall and this will coincide with our Christian Aid ‘Big Brekkie’. Please come along and support this wonderful cause.
The following Saturday 18th May, will see the return of the popular ‘Plant Sale’ so come early if you want to bag some plants as they sell out fast! We wish all our congregation a very ‘Happy Easter’